Friday, 26 June 2015

What To Do In This Downturn

 By Rex Arguelles

8 of my friends just got laid off from work. These are great people – hardworking, smart, and highly skilled - but because this oil and price plunge, which is one of the worst in 30 years, even they got affected.

One of my friends asked me what I think about this economic downturn and what would I advise.

Here is what I think and advise.

Save some money

Even though this oil and gas price plunge is one of the worst in 30 years, the downturn should not be a surprise. As you know, just looking at the Brent Oil Price Chart for the past 20 years, we know that these cyclical downturn happens every 4-5 years. We have seen this in 1996, 2001, 2005, 2009 and now in 2015. We know it will happen again in 2019-2020. So if you plan to work and stay in the oil and gas industry, you’d better start putting money in your savings account or in your house so that when this happens again, you can use the money you’ve saved and weather it out.

Relax and enjoy your time off

We all know from the past oil and gas downturns, they only last about 2-3 quarters before it stabilizes again and hire back employees. Use this time to spend time with God, family and friends. You can also use this time for self-improvement like upgrading your skills, reading books, attending seminars or study online or on campus.
Upgrade your skills
There are now a lot of free support from the government and private sectors when it comes to upgrading skills. Look into the Engineering & Technology Upgrading Program supported by the Government of Albert and the CCIS where they help you upgrade your engineering degree or you can contact Alberta Works Centers for other skills and degrees you would like to upgrade to. If these are not in line with what you are looking, start browsing the net and you will be surprised with what you will find.

Do volunteer work

There are a lot of skills that you can gain from volunteer work be it in leadership or technical skills like accounting, engineering, medical or social. Mustard Seed, local churches, Samaritan’s Purse, Food Bank are good places to do this. TFCC also highly recommends Possibilities in Motion Foundation. It is a non-profit organization that helps and collaborates with various program for the Filipino community. You can contact Marianne Malaca through their website The skills you gained or honed are some of the things companies look for when they are hiring new employees.

Redirect your career

Maybe cyclical plunges like this are exhausting you. Look into changing industry. There are a lot of skills that can be transferred to another industry. If you are in project management, there are project management requirements in manufacturing, services and others. Many companies accept and even value experiences gained from other industries. Don’t ever think that you are limited and that you will not find work outside the boundaries of oil and gas.

Do survival work

If you are in a bind right now and the EI is not enough for you to weather this downturn, do survival work for now. There is nothing wrong with a decent manual job so that you can weather this storm. Don’t think about what others will say. There is no judgement on being smart and decent.
I really hope that small advice can help those who got affected by this downturn.
Anyone who have other questions about career development, resume creation and upgrading, please do not hesitate to contact me through TFCC.

Rex Arguelles is an Operational Excellence Professional who helps individuals, teams and organization reach their highest potential through Operational Excellence and Christian Principles. He works for Flexpipe Systems Inc. as Operations Excellence Manager managing the Quality, Continuous Improvement, Training and Process Engineering Department and is also the Consulting Director for Gintuga Technologies for Project Management and Lean Manufacturing. He champions the development of the Filipinos and the Filipino Community everywhere. He is a volunteer fundraiser and leader for the Free Medical and Dental Clinic Program of the River of Life Alliance Church in Calgary, Mustard Seed Food Coordinator and a regular volunteer at the Food Bank. He currently writes business and career improvement blogs in and the TFCC page.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

A Successful “Champions Night” of Connecting, Sharing, and Inspiring

By Abel Pagaling

Just over three month ago, Jerry Caingcoy (or KJerry as I call him, short for Kuya Jerry), approached me about being a part of his advocacy group called The Filipino Champions of Canada or TFCC.  This isn’t the first time KJerry has approached me about doing public service for the Filipino community.  For those who don’t know KJerry, he is probably one of the most passionate Filipino public servant in the city of Calgary.  I wrote an article about him early this year (  I encourage you to read it. You’ll be inspired.
TFCC Team with partners and guests

KJerry’s vision for TFCC is simple, yet powerful – to connect, share, and inspire the Filipino community in Canada.  Imagine if all 600,000 or so Filipinos in Canada started connecting with each other, sharing knowledge, skills and experiences, and inspired one another to excel in their work, business, or community.  This would make the Filipino Canadian community a vibrant community that can contribute significantly to Canada’s continued success as country that embraces multiculturalism.  Given this vision and KJery’s passion, I jumped on board!  I soon learned that another individual, Brent Anotado, had committed to be part of this vision.  He too is passionate about seeing the Filipino community thrive and excel in Canada.

At first I wasn’t sure how this will work, or if there’s even people who would give us support.  But after several blogs, videos, and through KJerry’s effort to share TFCC vision to other people, we started to get support and a good following, all in a short period of time.  Other individuals have also joined our group.  We now have a team of writers.  We’re looking forward to share their work in the coming months which we hope will attract more people who will share their talents and skills to support our vision.
TFCC Founder, Jerry Caingcoy with  Dave Bonk

But here’s what surprised me.  Not only are we getting individual support, we’ve received support from local businesses as well.  These businesses believe in TFCC vision.  They want to see a vibrant Filipino community just as we do.  They’ve provided their services and time, and for one particular company, funds to help us move our vision forward.  Steve and Rhonda Martin became our first major sponsor.  Their support is incredibly important.  They’ve supported TFCC’s vision from the start, and continues to do so today.  Other businesses such as Milliano Skin Clinic (, H&V ( have also supported us. This comes to show that there are companies who really care about Filipino community in Canada.
TFCC Team with Dave Bonk and Heather Patrao

This takes me to our very first public showing named “Champions Night”, last Monday night, June 15, 2015.  Given the support we’ve received from both individuals and businesses, we saw it fit to have a night where we can gather our team, supporters, and those interested in what we do.  It was a small event, a “soft launch” with select individuals and business owners.  We presented our vision, mission, and values to group (which will be posted on our Facebook and Blog sites shortly).  The highlight of the night was the inspirational talk by Dave Bonk.  Dave is the founder of Hearts and Hammer advocacy group.  He is another person who is passionate about helping families.  Here’s more info on Hearts and  

Another person that attended the event was Heather Patrao, former Miss Philippines Calgary Canada champion, a public servant, writer, and just an amazing individual and a role model.  In all our first “Champions Night” was big success!  We connected, shared, and inspired those who came.  Many in the audience offered to help us further our cause.  We’re grateful for their support.  Those who attended made new friends and connections which down the road could spark other noble movement!

The “Champions Night” is small taste of what can be achieved when a group practices collaboration with individuals and business supporters.  We’re thankful to our team members who were able to make it to the event at short notice: Rex, Romy, Marianne, and Angelo.  I want to specially mention Organo Gold for providing us with the free coffee, and for Hanes Anotado of H&V Styling for preparing all the materials, the place, and for ushering our attendees! I can’t mention everyone, but below is a list of individuals who made the night a success. We hope you can be a part of this movement!

We want to see more individuals, groups, and businesses partner with us so we can build a vibrant and dynamic Filipino Canadian community.  You can support us by following our Facebook page and blogs, sharing our material, and by supporting our future events so that we can CONNECT, SHARE, AND INSPIRE our community!

If you’d like to know more about how you can be part of TFCC, either as a contributor or as a partner, please contact us, or leave a comment.  Let’s connect, share, and inspire!

We would like to thank our partners and the people who made this event a big success for TFCC.
Rhonda and Steve Martin
MILIANO Skin & Body Care Official
H&V - Hair and Make-up/Styling
BA Productions - Video
Abel Pagaling -Communications & Programs
Mary Ann Caingcoy - Invitation
Grace Bumanglag - Photos
Caitlin Caingcoy - Reception
Kyle Bumanglag - Reception
Southcentre Mall - Venue

Guest Speaker - Dave Bonk, Founder - Hearts and Hammers
Inspirational Message - Jerry Caingcoy, Founder - TFCC
TFCC Vision Mission Goals - Abel Pagaling - TFCC Communications and Programs Lead
Operations and Productions Goals -Brent Anotado, TFCC O&P Lead

Brianne Niles - Organo Gold
Heather Patrao - Miss Philippines Canada (Calgary) 2013
Marietta Pangan - Diaryo Filipino
Marianne Mallaca - Investors Group
Merril Evangelista - Light of Jesus Community - Calgary
Jonathan Montanez - Book Author
Dhon De Gracia, Founder - Canada Filipino Community Groups
Millicent Garma-Cotoner - Owner, Miliano Skin and Body Care
Fe Tolentino - Immigration Consultant, My Canada Dream

Special thanks to Gemma Castillon-Baayens and to Organo Gold for providing us with healthy and flavourful coffee and to all our friends and guests who made the event a truly inspiring evening.


Abel Pagaling is the TFCC Communication and Program Lead. He manages a team of business analysts with a major Canadian insurance company. He is also an entrepreneur, a writer, a community servant, and a motivational speaker. He is passionate about personal development and leadership.


Twitter: @abel_pagaling

Friday, 19 June 2015

The Three Questions of Leadership

By Abel Pagaling

Last year I gave a speech on Leadership, specifically on workplace excellence. In my view, leadership and workplace excellence are one of the same. You can’t be excellent in the workplace if you don’t practice some form of leadership (personal or group leadership), and you can’t develop leadership qualities if you neglect to practice excellence in your workplace or business.

Here's how I see it: Leadership is practicing excellence in all areas of your life. To be a leader is to purposely accept “all” responsibilities and expectations that come with it. It means that the spotlight is always on you. You wear the results, the issues, and the benefits that come with the position.

And here's one thing that's often overlooked about leadership - it's not easy, and it's a life long commitment.  Having said this, there are three questions all aspiring leader must ask before embarking on this difficult, challenging, oftentimes confusing, but very rewarding “leadership journey”:

1. WHY
3. HOW


If “desire” is the starting point of all achievement (according to Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich), then “WHY” is the starting point of Leadership. WHY do you want lead? WHY do you want to take on the responsibility of being a leader? Your success or failure in leadership starts with your WHY. Leaders who aren’t clear about their WHY becomes distracted and ultimately fail along with the organization they’ve worked hard to build. Your answer to your WHY is your reason, calling, or purpose for being a leader. It's what gives your efforts meaning.

Here are some examples of WHY:

-"I practice leadership so I can be an inspiration to my kids."
-"I practice leadership because I want to make the world around me a better place."
-"I practice leadership because it's the only way to true progress."

So before you practice leadership, think about your WHY. Make sure you are absolutely clear that you're leading for the right reasons. Keep in mind that a person without an important reason to pursue anything will not accomplish anything important.


Once you know your WHY or your reason to lead, the second question you need to answer is WHAT.
WHAT do I want to change, do, or create to make my WHY a reality? Your WHAT is your list of short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals that supports your WHY. Here is an example: If you want to be an inspiration to your kids, WHAT are the things you need to change, do, or create in your life to make that a reality? Here's another example: If you'd like to lead in your community, WHAT goals do you need to achieve to make that happen? I would argue that one reason why people are unhappy is because they are doing work that doesn’t support their WHY. They don’t have a clear WHAT list or a goals list. As a consequence, they say "yes" to anyone with a good idea. I was recently approached to be a board of director or a committee member for a well-known local organization. Although being part of the board or one of the committees would have felt good, I had to decline the opportunity so I can focus on the goals we have for TFCC. The reason I was able to confidently back away from such an opportunity is because I have a list of goals already in place.

On my blog "Three Things You Need to Become a Champion", I wrote about the importance of being focused towards your goals, and that you have to say "NO" to a lot of good things so that you can be great at the one thing you really want. Being clear about your goals allows you to achieve that.


Now that you have a clear WHY and WHAT, you now have to spend time on the HOW. This is where the actual work happens. The HOW is all about preparation. It is a list of specific actions you must take for each goal on your WHAT list. This could include taking extra courses in school, finding a coach or mentor, reading books, or connecting with groups such as The Filipino Champions of Canada (TFCC) so you can have a good networking relationship with highly positive and driven individuals. Your "HOW" list is what will turn your goals into reality. Without this list, goals mean nothing. Putting it all together, here's an example of how to apply the three questions:

WHY (your reason for leading):

“I want to set a good example to my employees and coworkers because I believe I have what it takes to succeed.”

WHAT (your goals to make your "WHY" a reality):

1. Complete my projects on time.

2. Follow the company values.
3. Contribute to the growth of the company.
4. Propose improvement ideas.

HOW (preparation to successfully meet your goals):

1. To meet my deadlines, I'll work closely with my boss to establish priorities. I'll also learn about "task management", or seek coaching in this area so I can be more effective.

2. To add value to what my coworkers are doing, I'll meet with them once a week, ask about what they are doing, and offer my input on a consistently basis.
3. To help my team work better, I could organise a work group, team volunteer initiatives, or start a Toastmasters club for my team. I would need to learn how to go about these to make sure I succeed.
4. I will seek out issues, challenges, or opportunities to improve the processes of the company. You see, leadership is not a mystery. It's not reserved for the select few. It's a discipline we can all learn to practice and we get better at it over time.

Start practicing leadership today. Know your WHY, your WHAT, and your HOW. The more you practice leadership in all areas of your life, the more you'll see better results for your efforts, and the more valuable you'll be in any group, community, or organization you work for. Don't just be busy working. Be busy achieving! Be busy leading!

About the author
Abel Pagaling is the TFCC Communication Lead. He manages a team of business analysts with a major Canadian insurance company. He is also an entrepreneur, a writer, a community servant, and a motivational speaker. He is passionate about personal development and leadership.

Twitter: @abel_pagaling

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Heather Patrao: More Than just a Beauty Queen

Heather Patrao with Riza Santos, Miss Universe Canada 2013 (center)
By: Jerry Caingcoy
TFCC Founder/Advocate

If there is one person that could say so many things about Heather Patrao, it should be the show “yours truly”. In the first place, who doesn’t know her anyway? 
TV Filipino Interview after winning Miss Philippines Canada Calgary 2013

Well, am not writing about her because I’ve gained favor from her nor I’ve been asked to.  In fact, she has no idea about this. But I’ve always wanted to write about Heather after she won the Miss Philippines Canada (Calgary) title in 2013 where I was privileged to host the final question and answer portion.  From that stage where she conquered all her fears and displayed her true beauty inside and out to win that most coveted crown of being the ambassador of goodwill for the Filipino-Canadian community, I’ve seen her evolved into what she is now today, a woman not only of beauty and talent but with a golden heart.

For some divine reason, our paths have never stopped to intersect after the Miss Philippines Canada contest, not just in a personal way but in various community involvements that both of us would be invited to or passionate about. Call it common interest.  Unique as we are, we both gravitate towards that direction where sometimes people are afraid to put themselves out in the open because it can be daunting and at times difficult - that’s being vulnerable by connecting, sharing and inspiring others.

Let me tell you more.

With proud parents, Julian and Lil
At the Red Carpet - Calgary International Film Festival

Heather was born to an East Indian father and a Filipino mother which is the reason for her good looks, intelligence and graceful demeanor.  She was born and raised in Abu Dhabi and migrated to Canada at a very young age. Having been raised by two amazing parents, Heather was able to capitalize both of their strengths, talents and skills. There’s no doubt that she had used them so well considering her achievements in life may it be in her personal, career or public service.

Heather is a University of Calgary graduate major in Communication Studies. While studying, she worked in a reputable company where she was able to develop her God-given gifts.  More than that, she was able to hone and pursue her passion in life.

She is a prolific writer, speaker and an excellent piano player. Her passion encompasses everything that there is beauty in it.  She loves to draw, paint and write poems.  Despite her busy schedule, she finds time to give back to the community by participating in various events either to fulfill her role as a beauty queen; or as part of her volunteer work or public service. Heather has graced the ramp showcasing her beauty through fashion, performed in special occasions to share her musical talent and hosted various events.

Among her recent achievements, not only that she has made it far in pageantry by also competing in the provincial Miss Earth Alberta pageant and eventually won as Miss Earth Canada 2013 3rd-runner Up and Best in Talent, she has continued to grow in her desire to empower many men and women  through her charity works and public service. 

CFLC Rookie of the Year Award 2013-2014

Hosting, CFLC Charter Night

In 2014, she was awarded The Rookie of the Year of the Lions International Club through her home club - Calgary Filipino Lions Club (CFLC) where both of us is a member of good standing.  Her involvement in Lions International Club, the largest service-oriented international organization with 1.4 million members, 46,000 local clubs in over 200 countries (source: wikipedia) has given Heather the most life-changing experience of being a good leader and public servant. The motto of Lions, “We Serve” fits her very well. Local Lions Club programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues, and many other programs.

Heather had assumed various roles and helped accomplished major projects for CFLC for the past two years. She is a contributor/writer of Pinoy Times, a local Filipino newspaper in Calgary and TV Filipino Canada Host. In her spare time, she also mentors and coaches young women who would like to be a beauty queen like her. She is a great achiever, an inspiring woman and dedicated public servant.  A true champion at heart.

“Believe in yourselves.  Evaluate your positive qualities and refine them.  It is a passion of mine to make you passionate about yourselves, to pursue the things you care about and develop your inner beauty and strengths.  You can make a difference in your own lives and in your community.  A woman who carries herself well and is comfortable in her ability to positively impact others is a wonderful sight to behold.” - quote from Heather Patrao’s Farewell Message as Miss Philippines Canada (Calgary) 2013.

What else Heather could not do? One thing for sure, this is just the beginning of her beautiful journey. That’s why Heather is more than just a beauty queen. 

Author's Note:

The pictures will show how very well I know Heather.  It just doesn't show but I admire this woman tremendously. It is just a matter of time, she will conquer greater heights in public service or show business!  :)

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Adobo Experience: A Taste of an Authentic Filipino Cuisine

By Abel Pagaling   

Twitter: @abel_pagaling

The TFCC team was invited to dine at the Adobo Experience, the newest Filipino restaurant in Calgary located at 4303 17th Ave SE.

After I’ve enjoyed all the wonderful food they served us, all I can say is “WOW! This restaurant is going to be great!”
Jerry Caingcoy, TFCC Founder/Advocate with Abel Pagaling and Brent Anotado.
The moment we arrived, we were greeted by Eva, one of the four partners of the restaurant.  You’ll notice right away that the restaurant has an unmistakable Filipino feel to it, from the bamboo adorned walls, to the rattan chairs.  It felt like "home".

But the Filipino experience was just starting.  The other 3 partners, Ronaldo, George, and Jeffrey came to our table and warmly greeted us, giving a brief history of how the restaurant came to be. 

I was captivated by their story.  I knew I had to spend some time with each one of them.  But before that happened, the banana leaf covered plates were brought to our table, followed by the appetizers:

Tokwa't Baboy
Pinoy Spring Rolls
 Soon after, the rice was served and I was excited!  I expected the best and I wasn’t disappointed!  We were treated with:

Bulalo Caldereta
Smoked Flavored Spicy Adobo
Flaming Bulalo
Now, I’ve had adobo before, but I must say their “adobo experience” was one of a kind. 
If it wasn’t for the presence of Mr. Jerry Caingcoy, the TFCC founder, and Mr. Brent Anotado of BA Productions and lead TFCC producer,  I would have finished all of the Adobo dish!

After that, the desserts came.  Again, just a wonderful experience!  We had:

Buko Pandan
Cassava Cake and Maja Blanca

Two hours later, we were done and happy.  Not only that, we were inspired as well.  I talked to each owner on how they came together as a team.

First, I talked to Eva Parangalan.  She came to Canada 6 years ago as a Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) in the food industry.  Her family’s passion is Filipino desserts, and she’d like to continue that passion in the restaurant.

Then I talked to George Manliwat.  He also came to Canada as a TFW and worked 5 years in the food industry.  But before this, he worked 18 years in hotel restaurants in the Philippines.

Then I talked to Ronaldo Nunag, Like George, he also started out as a TWF and worked in the food industry.  Prior to this, he was a cook for 4 years in the Philippines.

TFCC Champion Team with Adobo Experience Partners
Finally, I talked to Jeffrey Angeles.  He also came to Canada as TFW, worked in the restaurant industry for 8 years prior to coming to Canada, and worked for a year in the restaurant business in Canada.

These four owners did not know each other in the Philippines.  They all crossed paths here in Canada as TFW’s who are passionate about the Filipino cuisine and they decided they needed to start their own Filipino restaurant.  After only a few months of planning and with a small budget BUT with determination and passion for Filipino food, they made their dream restaurant come true! 

I asked Jeffrey about the name of the restaurant, Adobo Experience.  He said, “I want to represent the dish that all Filipinos know and admire, and that’s Adobo.  I want them to be proud of this Filipino food just as we are!”

Brent Anotado of BA Productions,  TFCC Production Lead.
Then I asked Ronaldo what made him enter into the restaurant business.  He said, “I want to inspire my fellow Filipinos that we can be entrepreneurs.  We are not just hard working employees, but we’re business minded as well.”

Unfortunately, I can’t write everything we talked about with the owners.  But one thing for sure, each one is passionate about giving their customers a true Filipino cuisine experience!  And they are all proud to showcase the Filipino culture in Canada through the food they create.

Personally, I was inspired by these Filipino entrepreneurs!  They are “champions”! With what we’ve seen today, I think they’re going to be very successful.  But don’t just take my word for it…. Go there and try their “Smoked Flavored Spicy ADOBO!”  You won’t be disappointed.